
Summer MVP List

Outside the June sun blazes, but inside the house the kids and I clang dishes and glasses making juice and lemonade. It’s...

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Every day do something that won’t compute

Every day do something that won’t compute

“Every day do something that won’t compute.” -Wendell Berry   Everyday do something that won’t compute give...

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From the Front Porch

The day my husband and I bring home our rescue dog, Lars, we snap a picture on our front porch. He is young and healthy,...

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A Blessing for Walking into the New Year

A Blessing For Walking Into The New Year   You are here however you got to this point — maybe by sprint or...

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Best of Books for 2023

It’s that time of year for all the best book lists. And I am here for them. Give me the lists of books that nourished you....

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A blessing for when it’s hard to give thanks

If the weight of the world presses down on your shouldersand the never ending news cycle brings you to your kneesif...

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A Blessing for the Haunted

A Blessing for the Haunted

A Blessing for the Haunted If you’re crying out in horror and disbeliefif your heart can’t take another news cycleof violence...

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I’ll tell you how to get there

I’ll tell you how to get there, how to — turn at the Cole Camp junction and pass rolling wheat fields nursing calves...

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Creating Community One Book at a Time

Nestled at picnic tables, sunglasses and hats atop heads, and water bottles at our sides, the kids and I gather with others...

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How to celebrate your baby turning 6 years old

How to celebrate your baby turning 6 years old

How to celebrate your baby turning 6 years old This experiment may get messy and be full of laughs. You may feel bigger...

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A Theology of Summer

A Theology of Summer

Every morning, I take a cup of hot coffee, books, and my journal to the front porch. My eyes rest on multicolored flowers...

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What’s Next? (On creating anyway and seeking delight)

What’s Next? (On creating anyway and seeking delight)

One year ago, Erin and I signed the book contract to write The Beauty of Motherhood: Grace-Filled Devotions for the...

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The Beauty of Motherhood Writing Tour

The Beauty of Motherhood Writing Tour

On the surface, this picture represents one small moment in time. A weekday morning playgroup at a friend's house. Kids running...

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What I learned about community from sitting on my front porch

What I learned about community from sitting on my front porch

It started with my front porch. While sitting one morning with my coffee, overlooking the town park, I had the idea to gather...

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Thank you, Cole Camp

There's something missing in the acknowledgements for The Beauty of Motherhood: the town of Cole Camp, Missouri.   You...

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Let’s Go For a Walk

Let’s Go For a Walk

Saturday covers us with clouds and light rain. Throwing on coats and grabbing the umbrellas, the kids and I take to the sidewalk....

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No Small Thing (thoughts from the carpool line)

No Small Thing (thoughts from the carpool line)

No Small Thing --- To pull into the pick up line a parade of cars and guardians waiting on a glimpse of our child to...

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What’s Saving My Life Right Now

What’s Saving My Life Right Now

From the living room we look out to the town park and the setting sun. This time of the year as I’m cooking dinner and the...

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A Blessing for the New Year

A Blessing for the New Year

Comepull up a chairsit by the lightfeel the ground beneath yourest in the stillness of this moment. Let this blessing meet...

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Where I’m From

Where I’m From

I am from mixtapes from Sony walkmans and Tiffany's I Think We’re Alone Now. I am from the maple trees rooted, strong,...

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Holding a Candle For You

Holding a Candle For You

A Timeline of Christmas Eve   2019: The flu sweeps through the children and youth of the congregation canceling the...

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Best of Books for 2022

Best of Books for 2022

“When you turn the pages of a book, you are practicing the art of attention to keep turning the pages of your own story with...

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A Blessing for the Beginning of Advent

This blessing meets you with the early morning dawnwhispering gently, “come, see what the day holds” it rubs your sleepy...

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In this house

In this house We put together puzzles on the hardwood floor. We forget to vacuum the dog's hair. We pile coats on the rocking...

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Who are you remembering?

Who are you remembering?

My daughter, Charlotte, turns 8 this Thanksgiving. For the last few weeks (okay, maybe months), she has been making her birthday...

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The Darling Files:

The Darling Files: "It’s okay to be sad, Mama”

I keep looking at the time on top of my screen, the minutes quickly getting closer to 10 am. My foot bounces up and down...

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What’s Currently Saving My Life (Fall Edition)

What’s Currently Saving My Life (Fall Edition)

“I do not always stop and notice light but I will continue to try.” (How Far You Have Come, Morgan Harper Nichols) While...

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An Invitation to Do Nothing

An Invitation to Do Nothing

If we were sitting down for coffee or taking a walk together, you’d hear stories that encompass three of my callings: mother,...

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What the park knows

What the park knows

The moms started coming here over a year ago. One August morning they dropped their kids off for the first day of school...

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The surprise found in pink ladies and turning 40

The surprise found in pink ladies and turning 40

The pink ladies arrived again this August. On time as usual just as one feels the shift in summer to almost fall and the...

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A Blessing for the Table

A blessing for the table —for all who hunger and thirstfor peace and justicefriendship and hopehealing and grace, come to...

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Dispatches from a sick bed, and a word of hope

Dispatches from a sick bed, and a word of hope

Dear Friends, This letter is coming to you after a week of it’s-not-covid-it’s-not-strep-but-it’s-awful-and-I-can’t-get-out-of-bed....

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Ordinary Inspiration

Ordinary Inspiration

“I would like to write a poem about the world that has in itnothing fancy.” * But then My daughter looks at me with her...

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Ten Ways to Stop Being a Writer

Ten Ways to Stop Being a Writer

Ten Ways to Stop Being a Writer    Get sick. Isolate from your family for fear you finally succumbed to Covid....

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Walking to 40 (an update)

Walking to 40 (an update)

Last week the kids, my mom, and I took another hike for #40hikesfor40years at a local botanical garden. In a matter...

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Family Organizes Elaborate Easter Celebration; Four-Year-Old Finds Most Joy in His New Tape Dispenser Cole Camp, Missouri...

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Want to walk?

Want to walk?

The text message arrived: It looks kind of cold tomorrow, but if anyone would like to join us on a trail walk at our place...

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This blessing is for you

This blessing is for you

This blessing is for youYou can find it in the reheated cups of coffeeThe piles of laundry scattered around your houseUnderneath...

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Lord, let my heart be good soil

Lord, let my heart be good soil

Lord, let my heart be good soil, open to the seed of your word. Lord, let my heart be good soil, where love can grow and...

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February Garden Report

February Garden Report

February Garden Report // At first look there doesn’t seem to be much growth. The air is cold and the sun’s light is scant...

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A day in the life

A day in the life

6:20 AM // I hear the flick of the light switch in the hall followed by footsteps. My alarm hasn’t gone off yet, but the...

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What’s currently saving my life

What’s currently saving my life

"When I started feeling the drag of winter, I began to treat myself like a favored child: with kindness and love. I assumed...

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A new year’s wish

A new year’s wish

My seven-year-old daughter had three wishes for Santa this year: glow sticks, a math book, and an Elsa kite. Thankfully Santa...

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I am

I am

I am a daughterto Craigand Monicalike my fatherI am a friend to strangerslike my motherI am mesmerized by words and storiesI...

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Walking to 40

Walking to 40

I’ve never been against running, per say. Unless you consider how I despise the heaviness I feel in my lungs when running,...

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2021 Good List

It’s easy to see all the ways our lives have changed and shifted due to the pandemic. We all could make a list of the things...

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Receiving joy with open hands

Receiving joy with open hands

Tucked behind the bustle of Chicago’s Michigan avenue I found a secret place for receiving joy - a Ghirardelli chocolate...

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On the night you were born

On the night you were born

On the night you were bornwe waited and waitedI bounced on a ballsat in whirlpoolwhispered prayers over and over:“We are...

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Life in one line a day

Life in one line a day

October 26, 2016: Stephen got his car project, the Suburban, started with the help of someone from church! Dreary day, perfect...

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Searching for beauty in scraps of paper

Searching for beauty in scraps of paper

Scraps of paper litter our house: on the table, scattered on the floor, strewn about the couch. If there’s an open space,...

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This is what I love about the dark

This is what I love about the dark

This is what I love about the dark[an attempt to unmask my fear] Looking up to a sky full of stars Being forced to slow...

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What the mornings are teaching me

What the mornings are teaching me

Let me tell you the story behind this picture:  For years I made up excuse after excuse for why I couldn’t get up early: I...

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Why I Walk

Why I Walk

My name is Kim, and I am a walker. For years I’ve walked. Any good friend and family member knows this about me: if I invite...

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Are we there yet?

Are we there yet?

Earlier this month I led a zoom session on contemplative journaling with a group of creative mama’s. We listened to poetry...

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The Life-Changing Magic of Early Mornings

The Life-Changing Magic of Early Mornings

My eyes focus on the purple petunias before me, their color illuminated against the blue sky. I watch the leaves dance to...

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Strengthening Roots

Strengthening Roots

Each morning and evening I walk to the garden. In the morning the light falls on the bird bath nestled between pepper plants,...

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These are the days

These are the days

These are the daysI see the words on an Instagram squareperfectly lettered curated and filteredin just the right light. These...

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When you pray, move your feet

When you pray, move your feet

When you pray, move your feet.One foot after anothermoving, falling, stepping, prayer.When you pray, move your feet. One...

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What the camera roll shows

What the camera roll shows

I don’t remember when I received my first camera, but I remember, though, the pictures I snapped and what it felt like to...

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Why I go to the water

Why I go to the water

Hello, water at my feet.Hello, you who brings forth lifeand cradles the duck and heronand reflects the sun and starsand provides...

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A look back in love

A look back in love

On March 15, 2020 I started a google doc: COVID -19 Journal. The first words came easily: Dear Isaac and Charlotte. I addressed...

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Creating a place to land

Creating a place to land

In our family, I get the title: creative. I write. I delight in baking. I send snail mail. I color and make crafts with the...

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Stream of consciousness

Stream of consciousness

Currently, the wind chimes out front are clanging and providing music. The snow flurries that fell this morning are already...

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A lesson on paying attention

To a three year old, a magnifying glass is the greatest thing to have on a hike. My son who generally asks for snacks every...

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Once upon a time there was a little girl

Once upon a time there was a little girl

Once upon a time The other morning, settled in the darkness, before my alarm went off, I heard Charlotte’s voice declare,...

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The taste of peanut butter

The taste of peanut butter

After days of clouds and momentary glimpses of the sun, today I have to shield my eyes from the light as I drive. I listen...

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Reflecting joy

Reflecting joy

The school morning brings the same routine: wake up, get dressed, breakfast, start the coffee, brush teeth, pack lunch, sight...

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The holiness of motherhood

The holiness of motherhood

“Turn here, Mama!” I follow Charlotte’s finger and turn the car. On our left the one-story church building stands on a small...

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Dear Writer - Let’s go camping

Dear Writer - Let’s go camping

Over the next few weeks, I plan to share a series of letters written to a writer. Or perhaps more accurately, written to...

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Rest in the water

Rest in the water

Rushing water calls through the forest, asking me are you listening?      *A collection of...

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A Birthday Prayer

A Birthday Prayer

Dear Isaac, Even when you’re asleep, I keep you close to me. Literally, right now I have the monitor next to me at my desk....

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Dear Writer - Let’s go for a hike

Dear Writer - Let’s go for a hike

Over the next few weeks, I plan to share a series of letters written to a writer. Or perhaps more accurately, written to...

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Dear Writer

Dear Writer

Over the next few weeks, I plan to share a series of letters written to a writer. Or perhaps more accurately, written to...

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A worthy pastime

A worthy pastime

Clanging through the gray skies trying to turn blue, the town siren sounds. “It’s noon! It’s noon,” Isaac says as his dinosaurs...

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Where the Light Lands

Where the Light Lands

From where I’m sitting I see a few remaining puddles on the road. With my computer turned on and open to Facebook I sit and...

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Preschool Lessons

I raise my voice above their fighting, “It’s time for Ms. Lucy. Come over here and wait for her.” It's been our weekday...

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From Charlotte’s Eyes

From Charlotte’s Eyes

I see the notification pop up on Facebook alerting me to a new post from our daughter’s preschool teacher. My computer sits...

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Coloring our Prayers

Coloring our Prayers

“Sleep with me Mama?” Isaac asks me, his blue eyes eager and his hand reaching out to me. I place my hand in his and follow...

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Finding Hope and Lost Teeth

Finding Hope and Lost Teeth

“You want to play basketball with us?” With a bouncy ball in hand, Isaac lifts his arm poised to throw as he waits for my...

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Good night dolls, Good night Charlotte

I stand at the edge of the door, hand poised to switch the light off, only minutes away from being able to rest. The days...

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A Lifetime of Letters

The sound of the van driving into my compound drew more than just my attention. No one could miss the white van, covered...

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If You’re Ready...

If You’re Ready...

I began this week attending the ordination of a colleague. Throughout the service I was touched and inspired by the prayers,...

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On Repeat

On Repeat

 “Mama, look!” Comes barreling from the back of the car. I peek in the rearview mirror witnessing two bright smiles...

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Lying on my back, I stare straight up at the ceiling squinting from the overhead light. I keep my hands folded in my lap...

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Birthday Joy

Birthday Joy

Scrolling through videos on my phone I find one from when Charlotte is not even 6 months old. She’s in a blue and white dress...

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My brown leather bag lays next to me on the passenger side seat between the diaper bag, my purse, and library books. A light...

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Write Anyway

Write Anyway

I find the blue journal tucked in an office drawer. It’s cover feels soft despite being worn with age. The blue flowers swirl...

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A Trip to Omaha - A Lesson in Joy

A Trip to Omaha - A Lesson in Joy

After a day of rain the sun now shines. A breeze touches our faces and lingering rain drops sparkle on the grass and...

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Charlotte lays her head on my shoulder. Both of us are snuggled together under a white blanket with the sun streaming in...

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My Alleluia Song

My Alleluia Song

With the hum of the noise machine and Isaac’s bedroom door cracked open we snuggle on the rocking chair. I hear the dog’s...

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Measuring Up

Measuring Up

With donut-filled cheeks and sticky fingers, Charlotte and Isaac skip down the hallway behind me to find a seat in church....

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Pen Pal Friends

Pen Pal Friends

It’s no surprise that the news came in the form of a letter. Driving out of town we stopped at the cluster of mailboxes for...

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Remember This

Remember This

“My butterfly shirt, Mama. Butterflies! Purple butterflies. I wear my butterfly shirt.” Charlotte chants to me as I hold...

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We’re Better Mothers Together

We’re Better Mothers Together

While clearing the lunch plates my daughter, Charlotte, grabs a train to roll across the table. I hear the buzz of my phone....

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Rewriting the Script: (Never) Wishing Away Words

Rewriting the Script: (Never) Wishing Away Words

From the kitchen entrance I look through my laundry room to the rising sun. I see our neighbor’s kitchen window. Their kitchen...

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The sounds greet me first - the hum of the espresso machine, laughter, and conversation. Next, I smell the fresh blueberry...

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Listening for Spring

Listening for Spring

I hear the pecking before I see the hint of red. Peering through my office window, while I write, a woodpecker bobs it's head...

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In Defense of the Local Paper

In Defense of the Local Paper

Living in a small town there are many ways to get a pulse for the community: eating at the local diner, a hot drink at the...

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Duct-Tape Crosses and Lettuce Seeds

Duct-Tape Crosses and Lettuce Seeds

Charlotte and Isaac sit at their little table in the center of the kitchen.  Charlotte has made it clear at which seat...

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One Poem and Paintbrush at a Time

One Poem and Paintbrush at a Time

“One more poem, one more poem,” cheers Charlotte from her seat at the kitchen table. It’s the everyday breakfast rush-chaos-frenzy,...

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