These are the days
These are the days
I see the words
on an Instagram square
perfectly lettered
curated and filtered
in just the right light.
These are the days
tripping over legos and train tracks
hearing requests for snacks over and over
losing patience and tempers
from both children and adults.
These are the days
hiding tears behind closed doors
asking for forgiveness
throwing questions in the air
“Did I do enough?”
whispering in the night
“Please be with us, Lord.”
these are the days
I want to remember
of love wrapped in every towel
of warmth between bodies with books on the couch
of hope soaring on wings of a kite and iridescent bubbles
of Cheerios and smoothies and flour-covered cheeks.
These are the days
with laughter riding through the streets on scooters
cheers searching for buried treasures
delight at new words learned
arms reaching to be held
and faces ready to be kissed.
These are the days
I look closely again
at the uncurated and the unfiltered
moments and messes
and I see it all
in just the right light.
This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in this series "Illuminate."