Pray - 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes
It's a hustle to get there.
My son is crying as I leave and my daughter wants to walk me out the door holding my mat. I tell her over and over again that I'll be home soon. She finally relents and gives me my mat. I watch her walk back to the house as I turn away. My mind continues racing as I walk across the street and open the door to the gym. I'm greeted with a little light welcoming me. Essential oils rise up. I place my mat on the floor in the back. I keep thinking; my mind unwilling to shut off. I place my coat, shoes, and socks by the wall. I sit and cross my legs. I take a few deep breaths.
One deep breath in and out. This is my prayer for now. This is all I have to offer.
Gentle music begins to play in the background. The teacher invites us into the moment. This moment only. This time to feel our breath; to not think about anything but right here and right now.
One deep breath in and out. This is my prayer for now. This is all I have to offer.
As a class we hear each others' breathing. We watch the teacher's gentle movements. We feel our bodies. Every movement precise, every movement meant to help us know our bodies. Every movement a prayer. We stretch deeper as the night goes on. We breathe in and out longer. Our minds beginning to clear to this moment and this moment only.
One deep breath in and out. This is my prayer for now. This is all I have to offer.
Each week this one hour of yoga is my prayer. A prayer for my body and it's ability. A prayer for my breath that keeps flowing. A prayer for community to move together. A prayer to silence my mind. A prayer to remember that I am enough.
One deep breath in and out. This is my prayer for now. This is all I have to offer.
**All month I'll be participating in 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. Each day I'll take some time (sometimes 5 minutes and sometimes a little more) to sit down and write. It's about the discipline of writing each day. It's about listening to the words from within. It's about letting creativity work in me. I'll share my writing at some point during the day on my blog. Thanks for reading.