Close - 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes
I'm surrounded by creativity.
It's nap time. The house is quiet. It's time for me to write. It's time for the final free write in 31 days. I've written every day for at least 5 minutes. What's more noteworthy for me is that I've posted these writings every day for 31 days.
I posted writing that wasn't as polished as I'd like. I posted writing that was written quickly. I posted writing that needed more editing and work. Despite my hesitation and uncertainty, I wrote and posted to my blog for 31 days this October.
And I'm so grateful. And proud of my type-A-perfectionist-self for doing the work and posting without the nagging voice in my head telling me it's not good enough.
The gift of writing everyday for 31 days has been the reminder that there are so many stories waiting to be unearthed. Having a word chosen for me for each day allowed me to see that word in everything I did. It caused me to reflect on a specific word and see the day through its lens.
I'm surrounded by creativity.
I'm sitting at the dining room table which is covered in pictures, paint, brushes, markers, and newspapers. We have small spaces left open for actually eating at the table. Charlotte has taken over the table with her painting. Throughout the day she says, "I paint, Mama!" Shades of blue, pink, and purple cover the paper with delicate brush strokes. She takes her time painting. A dot here. A brush stroke there. A blending of the colors there.
We have a drawer in the office filled with art supplies. Recently cutting has been her favorite thing to do. She grabs paper and scissors and cuts. Between the paintings you'll find strips of paper cut into tiny pieces. Beautiful creations in and of themselves too.
I can't help but wonder if her painting has been inspired by my writing. And vice versa. Creativity begetting creativity.
We're both surrounded by creativity.
It's always here - creativity. We're born creative people by a creative God.
I won't be sharing my writing online daily now that the 31 Days of Free Writes is over. But I won't stop writing. I won't stop noticing. I won't stop seeing the world with eyes of curiosity. I won't stop creating.
So now I'll sign off from these last 31 days of writing.
My next task: hanging up Charlotte's paintings.
I'm surrounded by creativity.
**All month I'll be participating in 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes. Each day I'll take some time (sometimes 5 minutes and sometimes a little more) to sit down and write. It's about the discipline of writing each day. It's about listening to the words from within. It's about letting creativity work in me. I'll share my writing at some point during the day on my blog. Thanks for reading.